Insights from the Pereiras’ after cancer struck their home twice: takeaways every patient needs to read

When a family member develops cancer, it affects the group as a whole: the trauma can either isolate individuals, who are dealing with their pain and anger in their own unique ways, or it can bring them together and make them an even stronger team, each serving as a rock for the other in their […]
Reflexiones de una familia doblemente afectada por el cáncer: un texto que todo paciente debe leer [ESP]

Cuando un individuo desarrolla cáncer, la enfermedad también impacta a su grupo familiar como un todo. El trauma bien puede aislar a las personas, porque necesitan espacio para lidiar con el dolor y el enojo a su manera; o bien puede unirlos y convertirlos en un equipo aún más sólido, en el que cada uno […]
From Nurse to Patient: the Journey of an Australian Mother Overcoming GBM

Maija Kumpulainen is the living proof of how you must not be blinded and discouraged by pessimist statistics. Discover the inspiring story of this Australian mother who beat the deadliest form of brain cancer, glioblastoma multiforme.
2022 World Health Day: Why we need climate action at the center of human health?

As we left March and the second anniversary of the pandemic behind, April appears as an ideal opportunity to reflect on global health and how our wellbeing is intrinsically linked to our mother earth and the treatment we give it. This year, World Health Day centers on the interdependence between humans health and environmental health. […]